Summer is a time of
fun, a time when even the most reserve and introverts just let loose and enjoy
its beauty and splendour. For those few months, everyone just becomes
themselves, not who society wants them to be. We all look forward to the
cut_grass smell in the air and the chance to dive into the deep end of a pool, gives you the Courage that would last you till the end of the year.....
Every summer has its
own story and these stories differ from person to person, OLUWAYINKA DADA goes
all out and pops the question “what do you do in summer?”
yee! Summer is
here, the season where it’s so hot, no breeze, but at least the weather is
favorable. No need to put on heavy jackets ouuf!! Summer for me its time to
enjoy, take a break from school. Get to spend more time sleeping and eat good
food. Get to admire the beautiful city of Montreal with friends and family. Summer
in Montreal is one of the best season not to miss, different activities takes
place during this time, in downtown such as jazz festival, Moda got talent, all
kinds of artistic works, the artist engages in, making it fun for the viewers to
watch. Summer is all about having a good time, no stress at all. Doing
things you love to do and taking advantage of the weather. In general its all
about making memories, and having a good summer :)

For me, summer is for relaxing and catching up to the things
you missed out during the school period. Catch up with friends and have
personal time to yourself, if it means getting a summer job, traveling camping
or finally going on that field trip you and your friends had planned for ages
This summer I didn't cross out much on
my list which I would like to do next summer like traveling out of the country,
meeting new people and learning new stuff about myself. This summer I went to
Milton Ontario and basically I had lots of time to myself and recollect my
Well, I think summer is
over-rated. No kidding, I mean, it’s just
for about 3 months…
a mere 25% of the year for all the anticipation.
However, after the festivities of holiday season at the end of the year,
it is
next on the list of my favorite seasons.
I enjoy it for all it has to offer in terms of
activities, travel opportunities,
ambience, weather and influence on dressing
to mention a few.
Summer is fantastic, superb and one of the best thing that can happen to a man
living in temperate regions.
But then, you know what they say about things that
do not last long:
'Made in XXXXX', just like the weekend.
'When you see the sun sparkle through
the clouds, that's when your eyes twinkle and give out that smile which says
'Finally, summer is here! '
marks the end of that phase and gives a new ray of hope. You see birds,
squirrels and little kids running all around the place. There are open markets,
innumerable events, festivals, beaches, parties and what not. Who doesn't want
to stay put in one of the open terraces and sip sangria, while soaking up some
sun? Lol.
Summer opens the gateway to a lot of activities, and keeps me on the go. It is
the only time of the year when I literally spend weekdays in active
planning, and literally 'wait' for weekends for a day out with my besties.
Also, being a fashion freak, I love dressing up and summer sure is the best
time to utilize all the best outfits that have been hiding in your closet for months!
In short, summer to me is not just about the weather, it is about the Vibe! And
I love it.
“Hour gets lighter, Skin gets Darker, Water gets
warmer, Drinks get Colder, Music gets Louder. Nights get Longer, Life gets
better.” That’s the weather we call summer.
To me, summer is the time for fun,
and I do take good advantages of it, the
fact that you can put on what you like not what the weather want you to wear
makes it more pleasing , going to different places of your choice is also a
plus, I can’t forget my first trip to Brandon this summer, it was really
entertaining, is it the carnival I want to talk about or the beach aspect of
it, I can’t just say it all, what I know is that, it is a memory to remember,
summer is all about having fun, the moment
you fail to catch the fun, you just missed what we call summer.

Wow SUMMER hmmmm, is
here again but almost over (so sad), well summer to me is a time to make new
friends, go out to discover life, new cultures and many more. That is the
period we have most interesting activities, sometimes it might be tiring but
its really worth it. The main reason why
I really do like this season is the fact that, we can gather together as family to have
barbecues, go swimming, we get to catch up on the things that we've missed. In my opinion its less
stressful season, this is because during winter you have to put on a winter
jacket, winter boots, mittens, hat, scarf, and even keep extra socks in your
bag because you don’t know what is waiting for you out there, not just that, or
you open your door to see the pile of snow waiting for you to pack it. It’s
just too much, after which you will still have to go to school or work
(smmmsh). It gets dark too early we don't get enough sunlight. Back to my
point, summer is basically a time to spend with your family.
Summer to me means
fireworks and beaches. It also means good nights out with your friends and not
worrying what time you have to wake up in the morning.
SUMMER is a season that
I hold close to my heart because the opportunity to enjoy the quality of life
is greater than any other season. Summer also has the possibility to hold a
couple of memories you have that will never be forgotten.